I poked around online a bit, trying to find folks to email to get some info. Would they even respond? This would be the easiest, right? Just sit around and see who responds to my totally out of the blue email, asking for all sorts of help.
These people have nothing better to do, right? They just sit around their computer, waiting for the IN BOX to chime as they sit around calculating their EV systems. Right?
One guy wrote back to say I could speak to him if I called him between 8 and 8:15am. I didn't quite get to that. Can't you just email me back to read at my leisure? Call? At that time? This is simply too much work.
Another guy, who I targeted cuz he said he was also a musician, did write back to me. He kept writing back. This is progress. But he couldn't quite get what I was doing.
ME: "I'm converting a 62 bug for errands/groceries - no range, no speed. Any suggestions?"
HIM: "Try another car. Maybe a VW bus. That would get the kids in it plus groceries"
another email
ME:"The bug is what I have. Don't have a bus. I have a bug. Any suggestions on motors, or vendors or speaking to anyone who designs these things?"
HIM: "Go get an electric scooter. That would be perfect."
another email
ME:" I don't have a scooter, just this bug I want to convert. 72 volts is what I'm thinking. ANy motor you would recommend to use with that?"
HIM: "Oh! You should totally get a scooter. Check out Electric Motorsports on Mandela Parkway, you could ride home on it!"
okay, I gave up on writing back, except to say thanks. But checked out Electric Motorsports. Cool, they have some of this stuff, I'll call them up.
Talked to a guy there, who seemed to understand what I wanted. But then instead of just saying, this engine/controller combo is perfect, we'd talk about one for about 5 minutes, and I'm thinking, 'cool, this sounds good, search over', he'd say, "but you'd get more torque and horsepower with this motor".
Okay, cross that last one off...try this one. Oh wait, he changed again. Now the amphours have changed. F... What's he saying now? How many batteries? Is he talking about motorcycles now? No he's talking about mini-coopers now. No, I have a bug. A 62 bug. Nevermind, I'll just stop by and talk to you.
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